December doesn't have one, but a multiple of birthstones.
These stones include blue topaz, tanzanite, turquoise, and zircon.
Each of these gems has a different symbolism and meaning and we will write posts on them individually in the future.
But what do they have in common? Why is there more than one lucky stone for December? Simple answer is that they are very similar in appearance. These stones are all of a beautiful shade of light blue. Well, tanzanite might sometimes be darker, but let's leave that for the tanzanite post.
#6785 turquoise brooch

Each of these wonderful gems is a lovely sky blue. Except for turquoise, they all shimmer and shine. Turquoise, unlike most gems is usually cut en cabochon and it is an opaque gem. One of the few that light does not penetrate.
We may remember that in the 'olden days', people lacked the knowledge and technology to differentiate between different gems. They went on a color rule of thumb. Rubies and spinels are red, so they were regarded as the same thing; emeralds and peridot are green and ditto - the same thing. Blue topaz, tanzanite, turquoise and zircon are the same color and were not distinguished one from the other.
So Decembrists, your stones will bring you: love, wisdom and abundance (blue topaz); turquoise has so many benefits that we cannot list them all here. Let's just say 'heaven and earth', protection and blessings. Turquoise has it all.
Clarity, purity and spiritual growth plus a plethora of other health benefits accompany blue zircons.
Oh, and btw: zircon is a natural gem - a very lovely and desireable natural gem that should not be confused with cubic zirconia, which is an imitation diamond.

#5498 tanzanite ring.

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